Best Seth Rogen Movies

One of the best actors and directors of all time, Seth Rogen has a wide range of movies, with different genres and stories throughout the catalogue of movies he’s featured in. If you’re a massive Seth Rogen fan, whether it’s his quirky comedy films or more serious ones, there are numerous great films that feature Rogan and we’d be here all day trying to list these!

So, if you’re looking for your next great movie to watch with this actor in it or simply just looking for another great comedy movie, then don’t stress as we’ve got you covered, even if you’re his biggest fan there’ll at least be one of his movies on here you haven’t seen, as today we’ve compiled a short list of the best Seth Rogen movies! The best way to watch these movies, is by far on a large screen TV, mounted to the wall, for the best viewing experience. Click here for these services, and without further ado, Let’s get straight into the list.

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This is an older one of Rogan’s movies but is still a very good one, and in our opinion, one of the best comedies ever made! The actor is really young in this movie which is strange to see as most of his roles feature him being a bit older, so to see him as his younger self is something to behold in itself. The movie itself portrays two high school friends, Even and Seth, who are living out their last year of high school as outcasts with not that many friends, except their other good pal, Fogel, who together make a trio of friends.

Following their usual weekend ritual of getting some booze and drinking together, the three outcasts get invited to a party, where they hope to get a fake ID and buy the drink for the whole party, in the hopes of getting with some girls before going off to college. Their plan takes numerous wrong turns, which makes the story even funnier and is definitely one of the best Seth Rogen movies!

The Interview

This is another one of Rogan’s comedy films but really is an all-time classic again for this genre, a newer movie this time, The Interview features his good old pal, James Franco as the comedy-action film The host of the well-known celebrity tabloid TV programme “Skylark Tonight,” Dave Skylark (James Franco), and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen), are both actors. They seek to establish themselves as journalists by landing an interview with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after learning that he enjoys the show. As Dave and Aaron get ready to go to Pyongyang, the CIA asks them—possibly the two most unqualified individuals imaginable—to murder Kim Jong-un. This alters their plans.

War Dogs

This is a slightly different movie for Seth Rogen to feature in and one of his more serious movies. However, like always, it does have an element of comedy to it. Hill and Teller, two young adult friends who are living in Miami Beach at the time of the Iraq War, take advantage of a little-known government programme that enables small enterprises to compete for contracts with the U.S. Military.

Starting off modestly, they quickly amass large sums of money and are living the good life. However, when they secure a $300 million deal to arm the Afghan military, the two find themselves in over their heads. This deal places them in contact with a number of questionable parties, not the least of which turns out to be the U.S. Government. This movie has a lot of guns and action in it, whilst also being based on a true story, making this one of the best Seth Rogen movies.


This one again differs from the rest of the movies on this list as Seth Rogen plays an animated alien, as this 2011 comedy, starring British actors, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, also makes it onto this list of the best Seth Rogen movies. In America’s UFO heartland, a wisecracking extra-terrestrial named Paul has been living there for the past 60 years. Paul flees the complex when he decides he’s had enough of Earth and boards the first available vehicle, which happens to be a leased RV driven by two British sci-fi nerds called Graeme and Clive. The two come up with a wild scheme to assist Paul in getting back to his spacecraft while being pursued by federal authorities and the father of an unintentional abduction victim.

That’s all for the list of the best Seth Rogen movies! We hope you enjoy our list and take inspiration from it, other notable mentions include, Wolf of Wall Street, Pineapple Express, Kung Fu Panda and This is the End.