The Upshaws is an Indianapolis-based comedy series about a working-class Black family. Bennie Upshaw, the head of the home, is played by Mike Epps in the series. Regina, played by Kim Fields, is his wife. Wanda Sykes, Khali Spraggins, Journey Christine, Jermelle Simon, Diamond Lyons, Gabrielle Dennis, and Gary Cole round out the cast.
The Upshaws Season 4 Release Date
Season 4 of The Upshaws premiered on Netflix on August 17, 2023. Jenifer Lewis (Black-ish) and Marsha Warfield (Night Court) will both make appearances in the new season. Dr. Pearl Edmunds, Regina’s new therapist, will be played by Lewis. Warfield will play an unspecified part.
Season 4 begun where Season 3 left off, with the Upshaws confronted with fresh difficulties and chances. Bennie will have to manage his work as a mechanic with his family obligations. Regina will have to deal with the fallout from her health scare. And the children will be going through the ups and downs of adolescence.
The Upshaws Season 4 Cast
Character | Actor |
Bennie Upshaw | Mike Epps |
Regina Upshaw | Kim Fields |
Lucretia Turner | Wanda Sykes |
Aaliyah Upshaw | Khali Spraggins |
Maya Upshaw | Journey Christine |
Kelvin Upshaw | Jermelle Simon |
Jr. Upshaw | Diamond Lyons |
Tasha Lewis | Gabrielle Dennis |
Bernard Jr. | Page Kennedy |
Gary Cole | Gary Cole |
The Upshaws Season 4 Plotline
Season 4 of The Upshaws will start up where Season 3 left off, with the Upshaws facing new difficulties and chances. Bennie will have to manage his work as a mechanic with his family obligations. Regina will have to deal with the fallout from her health scare. And the children will be going through the ups and downs of adolescence.
Aside from these established narrative lines, there are a few additional things we can look forward to in The Upshaws Season 4. The show will continue to explore family, love, and forgiveness themes. It will also cover some of the current socioeconomic challenges that Black families are dealing with, such as racism and economic injustice.
How Many Episodes Will Be There In The Upshaws Season 4?
The number of episodes for The Upshaws Season 4 has yet to be announced. However, if Part 1 (10 episodes) and Parts 2 and 3 (eight episodes each) are any indication, Part 4 will most likely be between eight and ten episodes.
Netflix has a history of releasing shows with varied episode numbers, thus The Upshaws Season 4 could feature fewer episodes than prior seasons. However, it is feasible that the show will continue in its current structure with eight or 10 episodes. We’ll have to wait and see what Netflix has to say about it!
The Upshaws Season 4 Trailer
The trailer for The Upshaws Season 4 is out! On July 12, 2023, it was released on Netflix’s YouTube channel. The clip teases what to expect in the upcoming season.
Bennie (Mike Epps) is attempting to regain Regina’s (Kim Fields) trust following his affair with Tasha (Gabrielle Dennis). Kelvin (Jermel Simon) is starting college, while Regina is opening her own daycare business. Maya (Khali Spraggins) is experiencing her first heartbreak, and Jr. (Diamond Lyons) is in hot water.
Season 4 of The Upshaws appears to be another hilarious and wonderful season. The trailer has piqued my interest in seeing what occurs next for the Upshaw family. You can watch the trailer here.
Where to Watch The Upshaws Season 4?
You can watch Upshaws Season 4 on Netflix. You may view it on your computer, phone, tablet, or television. You may also download episodes and view them later.
The Upshaws Series Rating
The Upshaws has a TV-14 rating due to language and sexual material. There are some violent situations, but they are not graphic. The show also addresses mature issues such as infidelity and racism. On IMDb, it has a 7.0 out of 10 rating with over 22,000 votes. It has a rating of 67% on RottanTomatos.
Season 4 of The Upshaws is shaping up to be another hilarious and wonderful season. The teaser teases Bennie’s effort to reclaim Regina’s trust, Regina’s new business venture, Kelvin’s college experience, Maya’s first sorrow, and Jr.’s troublemaking ways.
I’m also looking forward to seeing Jenifer Lewis as Regina’s new therapist, Dr. Pearl Edmunds, and Marsha Warfield in an unspecified role in The Upshaws Season 4. Season 4 of The Upshaws is going to be fantastic, in my opinion!
What do you expect to happen next on the show? Please express your thoughts in the comments area below. For further details, please see our website.