Mark Wahlberg told CNN that he and his family just relocated from California to Nevada in search of “a better life.”
Wahlberg made a recent appearance on “The Talk,” during which he talked about juggling his career and his role as a father.
That, he added, was the largest obstacle. “I spend all of my free time at home.”
The native of Massachusetts is currently residing in a state that borders California, not far from the Hollywood scene.
The ability to work remotely is something I’m quite interested in. He remarked, “I moved to California many years ago to pursue acting, and in all that time I’ve only made a couple of movies.
This made a lot more sense for us so that we could provide a better life for our children and encourage them to pursue their passions, such as my daughter’s interest in equestrian sports, my son’s interest in basketball, and my younger son’s interest in golf.
Rhea Durham, a model, is married to Wahlberg. Ella, 19, Michael, 16, and Brendan, 14, as well as 12-year-old Grace, are their children.
They listed their Los Angeles house in the spring of 2017. There are a total of 12 bedrooms and 20 baths.
So, we came here to give ourselves a new look, a fresh start for the kids, and there’s a lot of possibilities here,” Wahlberg remarked. “I look forward to the future with great anticipation.”
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